Hello, my name is Day Bright.

I began my college career as a mechanical engineering student at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI) having been chosen to receive the RPI Medal Scholarship. During my summers before college I interned at NASA and attended physics and engineering camps. I was very good at math and science so engineering was a natural path for me.

However, I was a creator. My passion is concept design, character development and character movement. After several semesters, I realized that I was more motivated to follow this creative path. I switched my major to Electronic Arts and Communication (Dual Major) and began working on animatics and animation projects.

I believe that my natural abilities in math and science form a good foundation for implementing my character design and movement. I may have arrived at this place following a different path than others but I believe that I have gained insight and ability I would not otherwise have following a more traditional route.

“For no reason I can think of, I’ve wandered far astray. And that is how I got to where I find myself today.”

— Bill Watterson